Learn how to have a peaceful & positive birth experience that aligns with your values

A step-by-step, comprehensive online program to give you the knowledge and tools you need to have a peaceful & empowered birth experience.

Learn how to have a peaceful & positive birth experience that aligns with your values

A step-by-step, comprehensive online program to give you the knowledge and tools you need to have a peaceful & empowered birth experience.

Chances are, you like the idea 
of having a peaceful birth.

But you may be worried about the pain, what might happen if something goes wrong, or ending up with unwanted medical interventions.

A peaceful & empowering birth comes from following 5 simple steps.

  • Discover how to release fear and have a peaceful birth experience, even if you're terrified of labor.
  • ​Learn how to create the ideal environment for giving birth, even if you don't know where to start.
  • ​Learn about the physiological process of birth and the risks & benefits of interventions and make birth choices with confidence.
  • ​Discover the simple positions for labor that anyone can use to reduce pain and shave hours off your labor.
  • ​Discover how to prevent tears during childbirth with these 5 simple steps for the pushing phase.

Chances are, you like the idea of having a peaceful birth.

But you may be worried about the pain, what might happen if something goes wrong, or ending up with unwanted medical interventions.

A peaceful & empowering birth comes from following 5 simple steps.

  • Discover how to release fear and have a peaceful birth experience, even if you're terrified of labor.
  • ​Learn how to create the ideal environment for giving birth, even if you don't know where to start.
  • ​Learn about the physiological process of birth and the risks & benefits of interventions and make birth choices with confidence.
  • ​Discover the simple positions for labor that anyone can use to reduce pain and shave hours off your labor.
  • ​Discover how to prevent tears during childbirth with these 5 simple steps for the pushing phase.

And when you do that, 
you have the ability to save yourself from...

  • Receiving unnecessary interventions that can take years to heal.

  • Wasting hundreds of confusing, frustrating hours
    as you try to learn
    everything you need to know from online sources that all say different things.

  • The fear of not knowing what's happening during birth,
    whether something is normal or requires interventions.

And when you do that, you have the ability to save yourself from...

  • Receiving unnecessary interventions that can take years to heal.

  • Wasting hundreds of confusing, frustrating hours
    as you try to learn
    everything you need to know from online sources that all say different things.

  • The fear of not knowing what's happening during birth,
    whether something is normal or requires interventions.


The Comprehensive Guide To Peaceful Birth

A comprehensive, online program to give you the knowledge & tools you need 
to have a peaceful & empowered birth experience


The Comprehensive Guide To 
Peaceful Birth

A comprehensive, online program to give you the knowledge & tools you need to have a peaceful 
& empowered birth experience


What's included?


Learn how to release fear and have a peaceful birth experience, even if you're terrified of labor. Step-by-step trainings & resources you need to confidently move into the birth window. 


Whether you choose to birth at home, in a birth center, or at the hospital, you'll find resources and information to help you create the ideal environment for giving birth, even if you don't know where to start. 


90% of birthing people receive unnecessary interventions. Knowing the risks and benefits of interventions and recognizing when they're genuinely needed is vital to creating a positive birth experience.


Discover simple positions for labor & birth that anyone (of any body type!) can use to reduce pain, shave hours of your labor, and resolve certain common complications (such as baby positioning issues).


Your toolkit for preventing pain and tearing during birth. It's so simple & effective that when the midwifery practice I studied with used it, they joked that I would never get to learn how to make a repair, because nobody tore.


Gain all the knowledge you need to embrace immediate postpartum with confidence and calm. This bonus module will cover everything you'll need to know such as releasing the placenta, delayed cord clamping, the golden hour, latching your baby well, and more.

I'd love to share some stories with you...


What's included?


Learn how to release fear and have a peaceful birth experience, even if you're terrified of labor. Step-by-step trainings & resources you need to confidently move into the birth window. 


Whether you choose to birth at home, in a birth center, or at the hospital, you'll find resources and information to help you create the ideal environment for giving birth, even if you don't know where to start. 


90% of birthing people receive unnecessary interventions. Knowing the risks and benefits of interventions and recognizing when they're genuinely needed is vital to creating a positive birth experience.


Discover simple positions for labor & birth that anyone (of any body type!) can use to reduce pain, shave hours of your labor, and resolve certain common complications (such as baby positioning issues).


Your toolkit for preventing pain and tearing during birth. It's so simple & effective that when the midwifery practice I studied with used it, they joked that I would never get to learn how to make a repair, because nobody tore.


You will gain all the knowledge you need to embrace immediate postpartum with knowledge, confidence and calm. This bonus module will cover everything you'll need to know such as releasing the placenta, delayed cord clamping, the golden hour, latching your baby well, and more.

Still on the fence? 
Here are a few stories:

Join a Community of Expecting Parents

Pregnancy is a lonely experience for so many, but it doesn't have to be! When you join, you'll gain instant access to our tight-knit community of expecting parents.

Weekly group calls to accompany one another through the joys, challenges, and celebrations of pregnancy & birth.

Online group space to connect in between calls.

Lifelong friendships: the bonds we form with other expecting parents are strong. Many people find lasting friendships in our course.

Join a Community of Expecting Parents

Pregnancy is a lonely experience for so many, but it doesn't have to be! When you join, you'll gain instant access to our tight-knit community of expecting parents.

Weekly group calls to accompany one another through the joys, challenges, and celebrations of pregnancy & birth.

Online group space to connect in between calls.

Lifelong friendships: the bonds we form with other expecting parents are strong. Many people find lasting friendships in our course.

Everything you’ve been told about childbirth is a lie

Birth is a rite of passage - it marks a new chapter for everyone involved. The experience of birth sets the tone for the entire journey of parenthood

  • Between 53%-79% of women+ tear while giving birth.
  • 30% of women and pregnant people suffer from fear about birth, and...
  • Those who have significant fear of childbirth are more likely to experience c-sections, longer labors, and the need for induction or augmentation.
  • ​They're also more likely to have postpartum depression.
  • ​71% of women+ get epidurals or other spinal anesthesia in the US.
  • ​90% of women+, receive at least one medically unnecessary intervention.
  • ​And on top of all of that, women+ of color face systemic racism that makes them more likely to have negative outcomes during birth.
  • Studies show that birth education reduces unnecessary interventions and leads to more positive birth experiences...
  • 91% of my students did not tear.
  • ​92% of my students felt confident going into their birth.
  • ​98% of my students went into labor without medical induction.
  • ​Which reduces rates of postpartum depression...
  • ​And 96% of my students birthed naturally, without pain medication.

Everything you’ve been told about childbirth is a lie

Birth is a rite of passage - it marks a new chapter for everyone involved. The experience of birth sets the tone for the entire journey of parenthood

  • Between 53%-79% of women+ tear while giving birth.
  • 30% of women and pregnant people suffer from fear about birth, and...
  • Those who have significant fear of childbirth are more likely to experience c-sections, longer labors, and the need for induction or augmentation.
  • ​They're also more likely to have postpartum depression.
  • ​71% of women+ get epidurals or other spinal anesthesia in the US.
  • ​90% of women+, receive at least one medically unnecessary intervention.
  • ​And on top of all of that, women+ of color face systemic racism that makes them more likely to have negative outcomes during birth.
  • Studies show that birth education reduces unnecessary interventions and leads to more positive birth experiences...
  • 91% of my students did not tear.
  • ​92% of my students felt confident going into their birth.
  • ​98% of my students went into labor without medical induction.
  • ​Which reduces rates of postpartum depression...
  • ​And 96% of my students birthed naturally, without pain medication.

Some stories from other students...

"Before working with Victoria, I had this fear about my birth. I had a fear of tearing and pain during labor. And now since working with her, I feel this peace, this security. I have a way of navigating how to give birth this time... I am going to approach it differently. I feel like I can go into birth with a sense of calm and peace, knowing that I can trust my body. It gives you a sense of peace knowing that you have somebody who's gone through this already, not once, but twice, and can give you guidance."

Mayly Galvin, Course Graduate

"I went into Victoria’s birth class as a second time mom thinking I was going to get a little refresher, definitely not expecting to learn anything new - I’d been there and done that and thought I knew it all already. 

Man, I was wrong! Victoria’s class wasn’t just run of the mill information about the physiological part of birth. It was empowerment. It was exploration of self. It was owning the parts of yourself that impede your confidence in your abilities. 

It was taking back your power as a woman and a mom. It was building confidence and trust in yourself and your birth team. It was an inclusive and open space that gave me the tools I needed to have a successful home birth. I came to Victoria scared and nervous about having a home birth and I left feeling like I was incapable of failure.

Clare Claassen, Course Graduate

"This course is everything the world should be learning to center motherhood. Everything from supplies to positioning gives knowledge and power to the mother. This course also holds legitimately the best birth preference sheet I have ever seen. Victoria is clearly knowledgeable about how to offer evidence-based choices to birthing people by providing risks, benefits, handouts, and references.

The Peaceful Birth Method even included tips and information from Evidence Based Birth, Spinning Babies, AND the Bradley method! These are my all-time favorite discussion topics as a midwife! I’m impressed! This is exactly what I would want for myself as an expecting mom. Exactly this. Victoria has created something truly valuable and beautiful."

Caroline Jaquish

"My partner and I loved Victoria and her class! She is so knowledgeable and comfortable to be around, and we learned so much in our three sessions. As first time parents, we really had no idea what to expect but Victoria was amazing and we finished the class feeling so much more prepared and informed. 100% recommended!!"

Sydney Nilan, Course Graduate

Some stories from other students...

"Before working with Victoria, I had this fear about my birth. I had a fear of tearing and pain during labor. And now since working with her, I feel this peace, this security. I have a way of navigating how to give birth this time... I am going to approach it differently. I feel like I can go into birth with a sense of calm and peace, knowing that I can trust my body. It gives you a sense of peace knowing that you have somebody who's gone through this already, not once, but twice, and can give you guidance."

Mayly Galvin, Course Graduate

"I went into Victoria’s birth class as a second time mom thinking I was going to get a little refresher, definitely not expecting to learn anything new - I’d been there and done that and thought I knew it all already. 

Man, I was wrong! Victoria’s class wasn’t just run of the mill information about the physiological part of birth. It was empowerment. It was exploration of self. It was owning the parts of yourself that impede your confidence in your abilities. 

It was taking back your power as a woman and a mom. It was building confidence and trust in yourself and your birth team. It was an inclusive and open space that gave me the tools I needed to have a successful home birth. I came to Victoria scared and nervous about having a home birth and I left feeling like I was incapable of failure.

Clare Claassen, Course Graduate

"This course is everything the world should be learning to center motherhood. Everything from supplies to positioning gives knowledge and power to the mother. This course also holds legitimately the best birth preference sheet I have ever seen. Victoria is clearly knowledgeable about how to offer evidence-based choices to birthing people by providing risks, benefits, handouts, and references.

The Peaceful Birth Method even included tips and information from Evidence Based Birth, Spinning Babies, AND the Bradley method! These are my all-time favorite discussion topics as a midwife! I’m impressed! This is exactly what I would want for myself as an expecting mom. Exactly this. Victoria has created something truly valuable and beautiful."

Caroline Jaquish

"My partner and I loved Victoria and her class! She is so knowledgeable and comfortable to be around, and we learned so much in our three sessions. As first time parents, we really had no idea what to expect but Victoria was amazing and we finished the class feeling so much more prepared and informed. 100% recommended!!"

Sydney Nilan, Course Graduate


I'm a mother, birth educator, doula, and student midwife.

For the last 10 years, I've helped birthing people achieve positive outcomes at a rate x% better than the national average.

 I caught my first baby when I was sixteen. I was hooked - from then on, I pursued birth work as my greatest love and offering to the world. As a doula and birth educator, I supporting hundreds of women through birth. 

I then began the intensive medical training to become a Certified Professional Midwife. As a student midwife, I have supported more than 50 births in a medical capacity, doing everything from performing ultrasounds and cervical exams to delivering babies.

I feel continuously humbled by the magnificence of reproduction, by the power and intelligence woven within the source of our existence. The experience of birthing my own children into the world deepened my understanding of the power of birth. 

My intention is never to instruct, dictate or bestow my personal beliefs upon others. Rather, I strive to encourage the authentic expression of labor and hold space in alignment with the family’s highest values. Rather than viewing birth as merely a medical event, I perceive it to be a celebration of life, a rite of passage, and a powerful moment of transformation for an entire family. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share years of collected knowledge with birthing families, to walk alongside their journey in the most supportive way possible.


I'm a mother, birth educator, doula, and student midwife.

For the last 10 years, I've helped birthing people achieve positive outcomes at a rate x% better than the national average.

 I caught my first baby when I was sixteen. I was hooked - from then on, I pursued birth work as my greatest love and offering to the world. As a doula and birth educator, I supporting hundreds of women through birth. 

I then began the intensive medical training to become a Certified Professional Midwife. As a student midwife, I have supported more than 50 births in a medical capacity, doing everything from performing ultrasounds and cervical exams to delivering babies.

I feel continuously humbled by the magnificence of reproduction, by the power and intelligence woven within the source of our existence. The experience of birthing my own children into the world deepened my understanding of the power of birth. 

My intention is never to instruct, dictate or bestow my personal beliefs upon others. Rather, I strive to encourage the authentic expression of labor and hold space in alignment with the family’s highest values. Rather than viewing birth as merely a medical event, I perceive it to be a celebration of life, a rite of passage, and a powerful moment of transformation for an entire family. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share years of collected knowledge with birthing families, to walk alongside their journey in the most supportive way possible.


Let's get started!


One time payment
  • Full access to the online course community platform
  • Full access to all course material (all 5 in-depth modules)
  • *Full access to all bonus material
  • Full access to the online course community platform
  • Full access to all course material (all 5 in-depth modules)
  • *Full access to all bonus material


Let's get started!

Pay In 3 Instalments


Three monthly payments
  • Full access to the online course community platform
  • Full access to all course material (all 5 in-depth modules)
  • *Full access to all bonus material

Pay In Full

One time payment
  • Full access to the online course community platform
  • Full access to all course material (all 5 in-depth modules)
  • *Full access to all bonus material


Some more success stories...


These limited time bonuses:

Bonus: FREE Done-For-You Labor & Birth Preparation Bundle ($1,200 value)

Create your ideal birth container without stress, even if your mother in law insists she knows what’s best. You'll get:

  • Editable Birth Plan Template PDF 
  • Birth Supply Checklist
  • Labor Position Flashcards
  • ​Labor Cheat Sheet PDF
  • ​Stages of Labor PDF
  • ​Labor and Birth Positions PDF
  • ​Breathing Strategies for Labor PDF
  • ​VBAC Information PDF
  • ​What is a Birth Doula? PDF

Bonus: FREE Birth Partner Preparation Mini Course ($997 value)

A done-for-you guide that helps your partner get prepared and feel confident in their role, even if they're the type to faint during labor. You'll get:

  • Birth Partner Support Strategies PDF
  • ​Labor & Birth Support Strategies Flashcards
  • ​Postpartum Preparation Questions for Partners PDF

FREE Bonus: Birth With Confidence Meditation Course ($297 value)

Build unbreakable confidence for your birth in 10 minutes a day, even if you’re terrified of labor. You'll get:

  • Birth Affirmations Audio Track
  • 4 Guided Meditations for Overcoming Fear
  • Birth Affirmation Cards

FREE Bonus: Tear-Free Birth Workshop ($497 Value)

Discover how to prevent tears during childbirth with these 5 simple steps, even if you’re uptight. A deeper dive than we have time for in the main course. Includes:

  • The 5-Steps to Preventing Tears PDF
  • Guide to Pushing PDF

Bonus: FREE Guide to the Risks & Benefits of Interventions ($247 value)

Learn the risks and benefits of interventions and make birth choices with confidence, without needing a medical degree to understand it all. Includes:

  • Risks & Benefits of Interventions PDF
  • Guide to Informed Care PDF
  • ​Provider Interview Questions PDF

Bonus: FREE Done-for-You Pregnancy Nutrition Plan ($497 value)

Get the nutrition your baby needs for less time & effort than you’re currently spending on food, even if all food makes you want to puke. You'll get:

  • Pregnancy Food Journal
  • Guide to Optimal Nutrition in Pregnancy PDF
  • Guide to Nutritive Herbs in Pregnancy PDF
  • ​What Size is My Baby Poster

Bonus: FREE Breastfeeding Success Bundle ($347 value)

Learn how to avoid the common mistakes to ensure breastfeeding success with your newborn, even if your baby struggles to latch.

  • Breastfeeding Basics PDF
  • Infant Feeding Reference Sheet PDF
  • Breastfeeding Affirmation Cards
  • ​Newborn Hunger Cues PDF
  • ​Output Guideline PDF
  • ​Complete Guide to Feeding Your Newborn by Breast or Chest Ebook

Bonus: FREE Pain Prevention in Childbirth Workshop ($497 value)

Learn how to avoid the common mistakes to ensure breastfeeding success with your newborn, even if your baby struggles to latch. You'll get:

  • Guide to Preventing Pain during Labor & Birth Worksheet
  • Umbrella of Sensation Poster


Some more success stories...

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